Tuesday, January 27, 2009


"God promised He wouldn't give me more than I could handle, I just wish he wouldn't trust me so much."
-Mother Theresa

Sunday, January 25, 2009

........until we cried

The best Sunday morning ever!

The first part may be summed up by a conversation.....
9:04 me: "We've never gone to this church before...what time does it start again?"
9:04 abigail: "We're about 5 minutes late but it's ok....we made it. Oh, and you have got to see the bathrooms at this church. They're amazing."
*13 minutes later*
9:17 me: "Either they only had a 17 minute service or that church does not start at 9....."
9:18 jayme: "I kinda wondered why that usher guy in the foyer gave us such a weird look when we walked in. I thought he was just mad because we were 5 minutes late."
9:18 me: As it turns out, he was mad because we were an HOUR and 5 minutes late."
9:18 abigail: "Well, at least check out the bathrooms before we leave."

The second part.....
*Driving home in the car*
abigail: "I just found two dollars, you guys!"
*After arriving at Hesston....walking through the parking lot*
abigail: I'm going to throw this trash away......oh no! I just threw my money in the dumpster!"
jayme: Two dollars is a lot of money, Abigail..."
After much deliberation, Abigail decided she was going in.
abigail: "I can't find it anywhere! This is so disgusting!!" *gags*
jayme and i: *alternating between laughing so hard we can't breathe and taking pictures with our cell phones of her in the dumpster*
abigail: "You guys are awful friends! I give up!"
*walking back to our rooms, abigail sticks her hands in her coat pockets*
abigail: "Hey look.....it's my two dollars......"

My stomach still hurts from laughing so hard.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

So glad I dropped it......

Unnamed person: *proclaims triumphantly (not sarcastically at all)* "I got 6 of those 40 Bib Lit word definitions done today, and it only took me an hour!"

Thursday, January 22, 2009

For once not on the receiving end.....

Me: Has anyone else seen this sweet idiot video....wait, I mean internet. Not idiot.
Peter: *Mocking* Talk much?
Me: Well I was looking at you while I was telling the story, and for some reason the word idiot just popped into my mind. *Smirks*

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Our group........
Midnight picnics in the Arboretum, piling on the blankets and taking along the hot chocolate and cappuchino, talking and laughing about nothing, watching the frost-covered grass sparkle in the light of the full moon.
Watching Mulan reciting every line along with the characters, then skipping back to the scenes with the songs and singing along at the top of our lungs......multiple times.
1 a.m. runs to McDonalds, where, to satisfy the guys' appetites, we get about 15 McChickens and manage to really annoy the late-shift workers there.
Resolving to just say goodnight after a movie and go to bed, then ending up talking for 4 hours about everything from faith to politics to family to money.

You leave your family to go to college, then you leave your family to go home.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Saccharomyces cereviseae

5 Cardinal Sins in a Hugo Class:

5. Holding a scalpel like a machete or a dagger instead of a pencil.

4. Taking books out of the lab. Also, being rough with the books. ("What have you been doing with these things? Playing Frisbee?")

3. Knowing "something about the material, but not KNOWING the material. There is a difference." (Our Zoology class got a very stern lecture about this after the class average on an exam was like 59)

2. "Ingesting the reagent and spitting it back in the tube. Or dropping your doughnut in the test tube." These are greatly forbidden by the lab syllabus.

And the worst of all possible sins:
1. Calling yeast cells "little bugs" instead of Saccharomyces cereviseae. And there's no excuse for not knowing this is forbidden : the syllabus specifically instructs us not to do it.

Hugo quote: "Am I right, or are you wrong?"

Hesston College II: Spring Semester

Break was good. I loved seeing family and friends. My cousins from Maryland and Oklahoma came at various points in the two and a half weeks I was home. Also Nara, Jenna, and Russ were back, so it was great to see them!

Sleep was good. I think I was catching up.....most mornings I did not emerge from under my covers til 11, 11:30, if someone didn't wake me up sooner.

Dental procedures were not good. Getting my wisdom teeth was painful and annoying. But I really healed pretty well with no complications.

Christmas was good. I'll put a present list up here sometime. It was kinda amusing.

Coming back was good. I missed everybody. A lot.

Class schedule this semester is weird. I have an 8 o'clock class every morning except Thursday. MWF I am in class from basically 8-4. Tuesday I have Cell Bio lab from 8 (but he wants us there at 7:30) to "10:50 and beyond" to quote the syllabus. Basically it's just until we get done. But then I have nothing. Thursday: nothing but Chem lab.
I think I'll teach myself to like coffee.