This first picture is from earlier in the year. It was like 3:30 a.m. and we were all out in our mod lounge trying to study. We got distracted by Angela's computer, which has a webcam. And we took about a hundred photos, most of which are on Facebook. This one is us trying to show what time it was and failing (except for me and my roomie....we are smart people).

Our mod has "Bread Night" every Sunday. Last Sunday we had a special "Peanut Butter Night" in addition to Bread Night. We had all kinds of peanut butter desserts, Amish peanut butter, and peanut butter/oreo shakes. Then we decided we were all going to end up fat by the end of the year and renamed our mod 2ChowNow. Sounds like some kind of weird Chinese sorority to me. So these next two pictures are us on Peanut Butter Night. The first of the two is us with various food, and the second is us showing how fat we are going to be by the end of the year.

This last picture is some of us who ran in the Howard Hustle after the race. We're cracking up, I think because Tessa (our RA, she's awesome, I love her) was trying to pin her number on again but couldn't figure out how to do it.

Your mod looks like it has tons of fun!
By the way, our choir caroling party is next Thursday at 6:30 if you can make it.
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