Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Almost done.......

Only a history final left......should be easy. Got Zoology out of the way on Monday. I calculated my score the night before the test......I was so close to an A. But after some further calculation, I figured that I would have to get a 98 or so on the final to bring it up those few percentage points. And I thought there was no way I was gonna make it. But oh joy! Yesterday I got my final grade for Zoology back.....and I got an A!! (barely, but that doesn't matter) I'm pretty sure there was only one other person in the class who got an A, too..... I'm not bragging, just saying that's how hard this class is.
Chemistry final yesterday....I should get an A in that class too, unless I did waaay worse on the final than I thought. It was a hard final though.... better knock on wood.
So here is a picture of me and Tara with Hugo (our Zoology prof, on the left, who as the last question on lab exams always has something along the lines of "True/False: Piggies are the cutest, most adorable pets in the world"; also, for our final exam the last question was "For 3 points extra credit, write a short poem expressing your hopes and joys for Christmas break") and Jim (our Chemistry prof, on the right, who we sometimes call Jimmy-Jim-JimmyJimJimJim in imitation of The Muppets Treasure Island when we want to get his attention, but I don't think he notices because he lives in his own little fantasy chemistry world). This was taken at Feast, which is like the Christmas banquet here. When we asked them if they would take a picture with us, they both said comments very indicative of their personalities. Hugo: "You two clean up well. I didn't recognize you." Jim: (while posing for the picture) "Two dimes between two pennies."

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Finals are frying our brains

Tessa came into our room today to ask my roommate something:
Tessa: Laura, why did you write "I love Myra" on my whiteboard today?
Laura: *bursts out laughing* My RA! I love my RA! Not Myra!
Tessa: Oh.....that would make more sense.

Friday, December 12, 2008

The light at the end of the tunnel....

....grows brighter every day. Four finals and I am done with this semester!!!!

I'm so ready to be done with schoolwork, but I'm actually not looking forward to leaving. I'm going to miss everybody here so much! It will be great to see family and friends though.

Haven't posted in awhile.....not much to say I guess. It's just been endless homework assignments and tests.

We went bowling last week....I think I bowled a 90 or something. :)

My cousin Jenna came to visit me!! It was great to see her! I took her to Drubers to get donuts. I hope she didn't think my friends were too weird....then again, I think they're pretty weird myself...... :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I LOVE my mod!

My mod (section of like 7 or so rooms) is awesome. 2CN is the place to be (2 for second floor, C for central wing of Erb, and N for north side). Here is a visual guide to 2CN.

This first picture is from earlier in the year. It was like 3:30 a.m. and we were all out in our mod lounge trying to study. We got distracted by Angela's computer, which has a webcam. And we took about a hundred photos, most of which are on Facebook. This one is us trying to show what time it was and failing (except for me and my roomie....we are smart people).

Our mod has "Bread Night" every Sunday. Last Sunday we had a special "Peanut Butter Night" in addition to Bread Night. We had all kinds of peanut butter desserts, Amish peanut butter, and peanut butter/oreo shakes. Then we decided we were all going to end up fat by the end of the year and renamed our mod 2ChowNow. Sounds like some kind of weird Chinese sorority to me. So these next two pictures are us on Peanut Butter Night. The first of the two is us with various food, and the second is us showing how fat we are going to be by the end of the year.

This last picture is some of us who ran in the Howard Hustle after the race. We're cracking up, I think because Tessa (our RA, she's awesome, I love her) was trying to pin her number on again but couldn't figure out how to do it.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Long Time No Post

Thanksgiving break was good: I got to see some of the people I graduated with (some of whom I hadn't seen since graduation). At Hesston, it is a big weekend with hundreds of prospectives and families coming, and consequently there are a lot of activities going on. So I stayed on campus for some of that: namely the talent show (hilarious!) and the Howard Hustle. The Howard Hustle is a two mile run for Hesston students and residents. I took it easy and basically jogged the whole thing, so my time was like 18-19 minutes. But my mod won free t-shirts for having the most people running in the fastest amount of time, so that was exciting! It was good to go home and see my family and friends as well.

My little sister (Hannah) called me tonight. My old basketball team (that she plays on now) had just played their first game, and won. And she scored 7 points!! My sister is a balla indeed! I'm excited because I get to go to their game in El Dorado on Thursday - but I know it will make me miss it soooo much.

Christmas time is coming!! We put decorations up in our mod! Exciting, exciting!

We just have to get through the next two weeks.....that won't be fun.