Thursday, May 28, 2009

Back from Oklahoma....

(quotes from my crazy but awesome family)

Me: Hey Mom, is okay if me, Sarah and the Hannahs go to the mall?
Mom: Well, what are you planning to do there?
Me: I don't know, just hang out.
Mom: Define "hang out."
Me *getting slightly exasperated with my mother's questioning*: We're planning to go find some drug dealers and buy stuff to get high on.
Uncle Lance: Well, how much money were you planning to spend?

Sarah, walking through the mall, starts singing the beginning of "Disturbia"
Sarah: Sorry, every time my brain isn't occupied, that's the song that comes on.
Me: So it's kinda like your brain's elevator music....

Me and Sarah: Unicorns!! (private joke)

Uncle Dave (aka Silly Bomya): lomph!
(don't ask)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Life gave me lemonade and I can't imagine why.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while....not much to say I guess.
I'm still not doing much, just looking for a job with not much luck.
I drove my grandparents out to Colorado for the first part of this week, then went with my whole family to Oklahoma. Both trips were for the high school graduations of various cousins.
One of these days I'll think of something to write about.
Right now though, I'm just a little bored and a lot happy.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Hesston's graduation was Sunday, so I'm home now. I miss my college family. So this post is the year, summed up in inside jokes.

My group has so many little things we do or say.... I'm going to go home and do all these things without even realizing it and nobody will get it. So here's a heads up for y'all....if I say or do any of these things just ignore me.

"Heck no, yayno!"
"Ah, sheba!"
"Thet ther's funny raght ther, Ah don't ker who you air"
".....and then I found 5 dollars."
"Sticky buns!"

if I talk and end random words with the -er sound, just ignore me

when watching a movie:
if I finish a bottled drink of some kind I might very well throw the empty plastic bottle at the TV
I will probably tell you the movie was made in Oregon
I might very well make random sniper noises